Many thanks

1. Thanks to the super cool guy living with us who let me use his computer while ours is on the fritz. 


2. Thanks to our super smart friend, David, who took my hard drive away today to try and get it working again.


3. Thank you so much Mr. Nice Guy who gave my kids each two Easter Eggs to “find.” The paper said the hunt started at 11, but because it was cold and there were many freezing kids standing around, they let the kids onto the frozen field of ice littered with plastic eggs at 10:30. So, by the time we got there at 10:45, the field was bare and we were very, very, sad – but not for long thanks to Mr. Nice Guy.


4. Thank you Mr. Easter Bunny for giving us a coupon for 2 free kiddy pizzas from Old Chicago’s! We went tonight and only spent $6!


5. Thank you Ms. Super-Librarian who has changed my mind about our local branch and only gently reminded me that I have a Scooby Doo video 4 weeks overdue. I didn’t feel reprimanded or stupid like I do when Ms. Grouchy Grumpy Bottom is behind the counter.


6. Thank you San Antonio Megan for leaving us your two mattress protector baggy things when you moved. T4’s waterproof mattress pad has lost it’s elastic and I don’t want to buy and new one, and unfortunately right now, we really need one, because unfortunately we are having pee-pee issues now and unfortunately, if I have to wash his comforter one more time my washer is going to unfortunately die – but that baggy slipped right over the mattress and now I won’t have to trash the mattress with the washer and comforter…fortunately.


7. Thank you for just reading that crazy, long, run-on, paragraph.


8. Thank you, L2, for falling asleep leaning against my shoulder while we all were reading our library books on the couch.


9. Thank you for this very funny joke


10. Thank you for not making fun of my font on this post. I have no idea why it’s like this. Oh well.


2 thoughts on “Many thanks

  1. Thank you for the Easter Bunny joke — it made me giggle!

    Beaner clued me in to your blog a few months back, and I’ve really enjoyed lurking around and reading 🙂

  2. You are more than welcome :). I didn’t even remember leaving them, if we’re being honest! Thank you for making my day. It has been one of the roughest 6 weeks in my life, and the bunny joke, for just a second, made it all fade away…

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